bertelsmann halbjahreszahlen 2020
The Talent meets Bertelsmann 2021 is hosted in Germany. Preliminary expenditures for the 2020 fiscal year totaled €73.8 million. 1.009. Program expenditures Bertelsmann hält Konzernergebnis trotz Corona im ersten Halbjahr 2020 nahezu stabil Video: Halbjahreszahlen 2020 Bertelsmann hat in der vom Coronavirus geprägten ersten Jahreshälfte 2020 von seinem diversifizierten Geschäftsportfolio und dem hohen Anteil der Digitalgeschäfte profitiert. Net Revenue 0.5% Market Share € Umsatz. %%EOF The Bertelsmann Talent Meet is open to International entrepreneurs who are innovative and talented. 0000038067 00000 n 0000000669 00000 n Bertelsmann AG 0000011724 00000 n 0000001015 00000 n Bertelsmann hat die erste Jahreshälfte 2019 erfolgreich abgeschlossen: Das internationale Medien-, Dienstleistungs- und Bildungsunternehmen verzeichnete den höchsten Umsatz seit zwölf Jahren, ein weiter verbessertes organisches Wachstum, ein Operating EBITDA auf Rekordniveau sowie erneut ein Konzernergebnis von mehr als einer halben Milliarde Euro. in Mio. 0000033228 00000 n Marge. 0000001777 00000 n Now, our second phase is starting with another two-stage scholarship. Progress against our ESG priorities H1 2019. Bertelsmann Grows Again in Q3 2020, Achieving Organic Growth of 1.6 percent Press Release | Gütersloh, 09/01/2020 Bertelsmann Keeps Group Profit Near-Stable in First Half of 2020… Due to budget adjustments made as a result of the coronavirus pandemic, expenditures in 2020 were almost €17 million less than the year before. Stream News: Halbjahreszahlen 2019 [DE] by Bertelsmann Podcast from desktop or your mobile device 21 |-50bps o NGP Europe: Focus on Tobacco Delivery Underlying tobacco results offset by NGP * Adj. Our Globalization Report 2020 shows that advancing globalization has increased material prosperity at the macroeconomic level, in particular in … Since its inception, the Bertelsmann Stiftung has made ca. Operating EBITDA. The Talent meets Bertelsmann 2020 wordt gehost in Duitsland. 0 Bertelsmann Grows Again in Q3 2020, Achieving Organic Growth of 1.6 percent Press Release | Gütersloh, 09/01/2020 Bertelsmann Keeps Group Profit Near-Stable in First Half of 2020… 0000001420 00000 n The Bertelsmann Content Alliance is on board as the expedition’s exclusive German-language media partner. Leiter Communications Content / Unternehmenskommunikation, Bertelsmann SE & Co. KGaACarl-Bertelsmann-Straße 27033311 Gütersloh, Telefon: +49 (0) 5241-80-0Fax: +49 (0) 5241-80-62321, Halbjahreszahlen - Bertelsmann SE & Co. KGaA, Leiter Communications Content / Unternehmenskommunikation, Geschäftsbericht 2019 - Building Alliances. Konzerneckwerte – Umsatzrückgang im einstelligen Bereich; operatives Ergebnis von 1 Mrd. Oliver will provide some further colour later. The resulting high-end documentary, “Arctic Expedition,” (working title) will air on ARD in fall 2020. 0000016646 00000 n Founded as a publisher of theological texts, Bertelsmann is a private conglomerate spanning magazine, educational and music publishing, and also controls European TV group RTL. 800 0 obj <> endobj 817 0 obj <>stream 3. xref Jan 1, 2020 - Jun 30, 2020: Jan 1, 2019 - Jun 30, 2019: Jan 1, 2020 - Jun 30, 2020: Jan 1, 2019 - Jun 30, 2019: RTL Group Penguin Random House Gruner + Jahr BMG Arvato Bertelsmann Printing Group Bertelsmann Education Group Bertelsmann Investments* 2,652 1,627 524 282 2,095 650 158 5 3,173 1,650 677 269 2,049 766 168 6 382 209 28 49 305 19 40 (3) The Sustainable Development Report (including the SDG Index & Dashboards) is a complement to the official SDG indicators and voluntary country-led review processes. 0000001212 00000 n A pesar de la distancia este año hemos querido estar muy cerca con ¡Revive las actividades de este 2020 en menos de un minuto! h�b```b``1b`c``�� Ā B�@���a��0��Aw��@Ea��DX�h�4YT���. H1 2019. H1 2019. startxref Our first scholarship phase ended successfully in September 2020 with graduates now ready to apply their new skills. in Mio. No signup or install needed. Externe links. Host Nationaliteit. 0000032065 00000 n In diesem Video spreche ich über die Tabakkonzerne Philip Morris, Altria und etwas genauer British American Tobacco. De Bertelsmann Talent Meet staat open voor internationale ondernemers die innovatief en getalenteerd zijn. Halbjahresfinanzbericht 2020(PDF, 1,0 MB), Geschäftsbericht 2019 - Building Alliances(PDF, 6,8 MB), Geschäftsbericht 2019 - Finanzteil(PDF, 2,3 MB), Markus Harbaum EBIT excludes NGP impact of £29m from inventory write-down & asset impairment Adj. Het evenement vindt plaats in het Bertelsmann-vertegenwoordigingskantoor “Unter den Linden 1” in Berlijn. 1.292. Bertelsmann will the offset remaining emissions associated with its own business activities and products through in-house climate protection projects and by purchasing carbon credits.” In 2003, Bertelsmann’s messaging says, the company created an environmental initiative, setting up an international working group in the process. Alle wichtigen Informationen zu den Halbjahreszahlen gibt es mit dem Bertelsmann-Podcast direkt ins Ohr. 0000006846 00000 n € 8,6. 0000001506 00000 n While the BTI 2010 reported that 38% of all surveyed countries featured stable fiscal … Eligible Nationality € Organisch. Interim Results | 19 May 2020. The company has 120,000 employees and generated revenues of €18 billion in the 2019 financial year. 15%. The SGI is a platform built on a cross-national survey of governance that identifies reform needs in 41 EU and OECD countries. A camera team from UFA Show & Factual accompanied the expedition exclusively throughout the entire year. Den Bertelsmann-Halbjahresfinanzbericht 2020 finden Sie auch online. Slowing or even reducing globalization would come at a high price. Fax: +49 (0) 5241-80-62321. Halbjahreszahlen 2020 [DE] and sixty-three more episodes by Bertelsmann Podcast, free! 0000044815 00000 n Bertelsmann is a media, services and education company that operates in about 50 countries around the world. Transatlantic opinion on global challenges before and after COVID-19. Imperial Brands Half-Year Results 2020 Tuesday, 19th May 2020 4 dividends for shareholders and we are committed to a progressive policy, growing from the revised base while strengthening the business for the future and underscoring its defensive characteristics. Bertelsmann’s Rabe: ‘Another Strategic Milestone’ I. n news just released this morning (November 25) from Gütersloh and New York City, Bertelsmann, the parent company of Penguin Random House (PRH)—already the world’s largest publisher—has announced that PRH intends to purchase ViacomCBS’ Simon & Schuster for US$2.175 billion. German media giant Bertelsmann, owner of Fremantle and BMG, boosted profits in 2020 despite the COVID-19 pandemic. 502. Business: Kreativität und Unternehmertum: Folge 20 mit Thomas Mackenbrock [DE]. %PDF-1.4 %���� The report is not an official monitoring tool. The SGI brings together a broad network of experts and practitioners aiming to understand what works best in sustainable governance. 0000021551 00000 n H1 2020. The Bertelsmann Transformation Index (BTI) is a measure of the development status and governance of political and economic transformation processes in developing and transition countries around the world. Konzernergebnis. Application deadline is November 16, 2020. 0000026405 00000 n Excellent financial position | Leverage factor at 1.9x, well below limit despite PRH step-up to 100% | Healthy maturity profile, high liquidity . 800 18 Financial Year 2020. Listen to News. Bertelsmann at a Glance. In aanmerking komende nationaliteit Bertelsmann Virtual Management Meeting 2020: Mit Kreativität und Unternehmertum aus der Krise Naar verwachting zal de overname in het tweede kwartaal van 2020 worden afgerond, waarmee Bertelsmann de enige eigenaar is van de uitgeverij. The goal: to become an even faster-growing, more digital, more international and more diversified Group. H1 2020. €; Konzernergebnis stabil. To achieve this, Bertelsmann is increasingly opening up new lines of business that will benefit from megatrends such as digitalization, the rising demand for education, and growing consumption in countries such as Brazil, China and India. As a result, fiscal stability suffered. H1 2020 H1 2019; Business Development: Group revenues: 7,848: 8,612: Operating EBITDA: 1,009: 1,292: EBITDA margin in percent 1) 12.9: 15.0: Group profit: 488: 502: Investments 2) 402: 578 : Consolidated Balance Sheet: 6/30/2020: 12/31/2019: Equity: 10,170: 10,445: Equity ratio in percent: 34.2: 38.2: Total assets: 29,733: 27,317: Economic debt 3) 6,464: 6,511 Bertelsmann hat in der vom Coronavirus geprägten ersten Jahreshälfte 2020 von seinem diversifizierten Geschäftsportfolio und dem hohen Anteil der Digitalgeschäfte profitiert. The Bertelsmann Transformation Index analyzes transformation processes toward democracy and a market economy in international comparison. trailer 13% EBIT -6.7% excl. Annual Report 2020 (PDF, 1,9 MB) 2020 Financial Statements for Bertelsmann SE & Co. KGaA (PDF, 1,5 MB) Interim Report 2020 (PDF, 1,0 MB) Informationen rund um das internationale Medienunternehmen mit seinen Unternehmensbereichen RTL Group, Penguin Random House, Gruner + Jahr und Arvato; ausführliche Informationen für Journalisten im Pressezentrum der Bertelsmann SE & Co. KGaA sowie alles rund um das Thema Corporate Responsibility bei Bertelsmann. Learn more: BTI 2020 | Executive Summary — Transformation Index of the Bertelsmann Stiftung 4 4 Russia, South Africa and Turkey, and stagnated in another 35. The BTI has been published biennially by the Bertelsmann Stiftung since 2006, most recently in 2018 on 129 countries. Halbjahr 2020. 0000032608 00000 n 0000000016 00000 n 2. Bertelsmann FY 2020 - Highlights and key topics 1. The 2020 edition of Transatlantic Trends is a comparative study of French, German, and American perspectives on the major issues facing the transatlantic relationship: cooperation in security and defense, China’s influence on the global stage, international trade, and the digital transition. H1 2020. It uses publicly available data published by official data providers (World Bank, WHO, ILO, others) and other organizations including research centers and non-governmental organizations. 488. Bertelsmann SE & Co. KGaA Carl-Bertelsmann-Strasse 270 33311 Gütersloh Germany Phone: +49 (0) 5241-80-0. Das Unternehmen hat dank der positiven Entwicklung seiner Digital- und Wachstumsgeschäfte ein erfolgreiches erstes Halbjahr 2018 verzeichnet. As a result, globalization is increasingly classified as a risk. <]/Prev 300234/XRefStm 1015>> Host Nationality. The goal of Bertelsmann Technology Scholarship Program is to empower individuals with the skill sets to jumpstart their careers in our increasingly digital world. 1. Auf dieser Seite finden Sie Informationen zu den Halbjahreszahlen. Bertelsmann SE & Co. KGaA | Financial Calendar - Annual Report 2019. Strong business performance despite Covid-19 | Revenues of €17.3bn | Operating result +9% | Group profit of €1.5bn . Bertelsmann is seeking applications for its Technology Scholarship Program 2020-2021. The event will take place at the Bertelsmann representative office “Unter den Linden 1” in Berlin. Bertelsmann pursues four strategic priorities. in Mrd. Business: Kreativität und Unternehmertum: Folge 19 mit Nico Hofmann [DE]. €1.7 billion available for nonprofit activities. Alle wichtigen Informationen zu den Halbjahreszahlen 2018 gibt es mit der neuen Folge des Bertelsmann-Podcasts direkt ins Ohr. Ausweis-7,9%-8,9%. 0000031309 00000 n 7,8. NGP write down*-3.0% NGP Net Revenue-56.2% Tob. In december 2019 maakte Pearson bekend het resterende belang in Penguin Random House te verkopen aan Bertelsmann voor 675 miljoen dollar. Bertelsmann macht zum Halbjahr erneut mehr als eine halbe Milliarde Euro Gewinn.
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