susan neiman bds
She has written extensively on the juncture between Enlightenment moral philosophy, metaphysics, and politics, both for scholarly audiences and the general public. Nun hat der Wissenschaftliche Dienst eine Ausarbeitung dazu vorgelegt, wonach dieser Beschluss nicht auf der Basis einer spezifischen rechtlichen Regelung ergangen sei und als "politische Meinungsäußerung im Rahmen einer kontroversen Debatte" ohne rechtliche Bindungswirkung für andere Staatsorgane zu verstehen ist. International Committee of the Fourth International, Israeli premier demands German government stop funding Jewish Museum Berlin, Berlin’s Jewish Museum director Peter Schäfer forced to resign, Dortmund, Germany withdraws prestigious award from the author Kamila Shamsie over support for BDS, US State Department moves to suppress criticism of Israel. Susan Neiman 3.74 avg rating — 633 ratings — published 2014 — 15 editions Want to Read saving… Sie sei überzeugt, "wer heute zu Israel stehen will, der muss die Politik Netanjahus kritisieren. "Ich war sehr erstaunt darüber, wie viele von uns als antisemitisch bezeichnet wurden, auch die Juden in der Gruppe. Susan Neiman was born on March 27, 1955, in Atlanta, Georgia, United States, in a Jewish family. Sie stehe aber als Jüdin und israelische Bürgerin selbstverständlich für das Existenzrecht des Staates Israel ein. Eit gets loud. The most recent and notable case involved Israeli students at Berlin’s Weißensee Art Academy, who were prevented from carrying out a series of meetings critical of Zionism by the university administration. Aber es gibt noch viel zu diskutieren und wir planen eine Reihe von Veranstaltungen, in denen wir hoffen, diese schwierige Diskussion in die Öffentlichkeit zu bringen und über die schwierige Lage in Nahost sprechen zu können.". Its sliding door is open. Die Tabuisierung der Debatte über Nahost und die Politik des Staates Israel gegenüber den Palästinensern sieht Neiman durch die "Heftigkeit der Reaktionen auf unsere Initiative" bestätigt. Beispiel Mbembe-Debatte: Kulturschaffende wie Susan Neiman und Thomas Oberender halten die Folgen der BDS-Resolution des Bundestags für gefährlich. When it came to the vote, the AfD faction abstained only because it had put forward its own, even harsher motion, calling for a ban on BDS. But in other countries, it also serves the ruling class as a means of deflecting the anger of mostly petty-bourgeois layers of the population threatened with social decline by directing them against the Jewish part of the population. She explained that she has taken German citizenship after Donald Trump was elected US president. She currently lives in Germany, where she is the Director of the Einstein Forum in Potsdam. Susan Neiman is the author of Learning from the Germans. The accusation of anti-Semitism against leftists and intellectuals plays into the hands of right-wing radicals and fascists—such as Donald Trump, Viktor Orbán, Matteo Salvini, Rodrigo Duterte and the AfD—who identify with the racist policies of the Israeli government and have been greeted jubilantly as state guests in Jerusalem. Neiman noted that Albert Einstein had called on Israel to protect the rights of Arabs and had called the Deir Yassin massacre “fascist”. ", Deswegen gebe es auch Juden, die die BDS-Bewegung unterstützten, sagt Neiman. Categories Entertainment Tags Albert Einstein, BDS, F.A.Z., Hannah Arendt, Picture newspaper, Susan Neiman, Twitter. View the profiles of people named Susan Neiman. In 2018, the director of the Jewish Museum in Berlin, Peter Schäfer, was forced to resign after holding a podium discussion with the Jewish philosopher and feminist Judith Butler and the anti-Zionist professor Micha Brumlik. The CDU faction of Leipzig City Council is seeking to take action against the director of the city’s annual Documentary Film Festival (DOK), who signed the statement by cultural bodies. 415 , £ 20 No nation’s defeat is ever quite straight-forward, and sometimes downfall can bring its own kind of posthumous victory. Unter vielen Juden werde gerade die Zwei-Staaten-Lösung diskutiert. In Germany, it assumed the most pernicious, murderous form with the Holocaust. Darum heiße es, wachsam zu sein. Socialists, on the other hand, have always fiercely fought against the poison of anti-Semitism and repeatedly opposed all forms of discrimination against Jews. The artistic director of the Ruhrtriennale refused to turn down his invitation and the administration of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia cancelled the meeting in the meantime, citing the coronavirus pandemic. She lives in Berlin and is the director of the Einstein Forum in Potsdam. Ein begrüßenswerter Vorstoß. Paperback $814.57 $ 814. To order a copy go to or call … Susan Neuman is an educator, researcher, and education policy-maker in early childhood and literacy development. NEIMAN, Susan 1955-PERSONAL:Born March 27, 1955, in Atlanta, GA; children: Benjamin, Shirah, Leila. Mbembe was invited to give the opening speech to this year’s Ruhrtriennale but was then confronted with a wave of accusations of anti-Semitism after he described the Israeli occupation of Palestine as a form of colonialism and compared it to the apartheid policy of South Africa. Es ist schon erstaunlich, dass diese Initiative eine solche Debatte hervorgebracht hat. Susan Neiman im Gespräch mit Vladimir Balzer. The basis for this slanderous campaign is the definition of anti-Semitism laid down by the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA), which is enshrined in the Bundestag’s BDS resolution and bluntly criminalises political criticism of the state of Israel. The Israeli state has drafted an extensive blacklist of individuals who are denied entry to the country due to links to BDS. A motion opposing this ban was initially rejected by Germany’s Administrative Court. The Bundestag’s condemnation of BDS served to denounce and suppress as “anti-Semitic” any criticism of the policies of the Israeli government, which is at the centre of imperialist preparations for war in the Middle East. Susan Neiman is a moral philosopher and essayist. Kulturschaffende wie Susan Neiman und Thomas Oberender wenden sich gegen den paternalistischen Tenor der BDS-Resolution. Die vom Bundestag erfolgte Distanzierung zur BDS-Bewegung und ihre Einstufung als antisemitisch ist laut dem Wissenschaftlichen Dienst des Bundestages eine "Meinungsäußerung ohne rechtliche Bindung". Debatte über BDS-Bewegung - "Antizionisten interessieren sich nicht für Palästinenser"(Deutschlandfunk Kultur, Fazit, 19.12.2020), Pro-palästinensische BDS-Bewegung - Antisemitismus oder nur Kritik an Israels Regierung? The denunciation of left-wing criticism of the reactionary, anti-democratic policies of the Israeli government as anti-Semitic, alongside the political campaign to denigrate Islam, reflects the rightward shift of the ruling class. The latter organisations fear that the suppression of all criticism of Israel will endanger their work in other countries, but the main driving force of the declaration is the concern that suppressing critical views plays into the hands of right-wing, authoritarian tendencies and stifles the freedom of culture. Jeder, der sagt: Ich bin für BDS, kann für BDS sprechen. February 18, 2021. As an example of the negative consequences of the Bundestag resolution, the declaration cites the case of the Cameroonian historian and political researcher Achille Mbembe. Susan Neiman is an American moral philosopher and essayist, her main interests are in the history of philosophy and morality, and the philosophy of politics and religion. The resolution accused the BDS of anti-Semitism. Beitrag hören Podcast abonnieren Die im Juni 2010 an der Uni Siegen aus der Liste L.S.D. $3.84 shipping. Susan Neiman is an American writer and philosopher. She has written extensively on the juncture between Enlightenment moral philosophy, metaphysics, and politics, both for scholarly audiences and the general public. BDS co-founder and well-known Palestinian politician Omar Barghouti was denied entry to the US where he was scheduled to give a lecture at Harvard University, while the Netanyahu government denied entry to US members of Congress Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib. Combine Editions. And stormy. It includes a preamble, definition, and a set of 15 guidelines that provide detailed guidance for those seeking to recognize antisemitism in order to craft responses. December 21, 2020. Historiker Johannes Fried zum Christentum. It is highly significant that the Bundestag resolution also received support from the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD), which plays down the crimes of the Nazis and tolerates numerous anti-Semites and neo-Nazis in its ranks. The heart of the matter lies in a resolution passed in May 2019 by the Bundestag, the German parliament. Susan Neiman’s books. Mbembe is only one of many who have been accused and censored as a result of the Bundestag resolution. Und deshalb war und bleibt die Initiative wichtig. [...] a time when critical positions toward the Israeli government are equated with anti-Semitism, while nationalist and openly racist forces gain momentum.”, The American philosopher Susan Neiman, director of the Einstein Forum Potsdam for the past 20 years, told Deutschlandfunk radio that as a Jew she reacted angrily when no reference was made of the broad range of Jewish discussion worldwide, but instead only very conservative voices could be heard. She is the director of the Einstein Forum in Potsdam, Germany and a member of the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences. “The common fight against anti-Semitism, racism, right-wing extremism and any form of violent religious fundamentalism is at the heart of our initiative,” the statement reads. • Learning from the Germans: Confronting Race and the Memory of Evil by Susan Neiman is published by Allen Lane (£20). "Schön wäre es, wenn das möglich wäre. Philosophy in Transit by Susan Neiman (2014-09-25) Jan 1, 1765. Use with the cable winch: Exercise makes the mountain rescuer. ", Die BDS-Bewegung sei keine Organisation im herkömmlichen Sinn, sagt Neiman. There have been previous cases of attempts to suppress the BDS. Brumlik criticized the accusations against Schäfer as a sign of the decline in left-liberal cultural circles, likening it to a new form of McCarthyism directed against all those “suspected of some sort of support for the BDS.”, The artistic director of the Berliner Festspiele, Thomas Oberender, who signed the declaration against the government’s BDS resolution, said in practice it led to “revoking invitations to artists and scholars who have worked in Germany for many years and whose work has never violated the values of our Basic Law.”, Hartmut Dorgerloh, the general director of the Humboldt Forum Foundation in Berlin, pointed to the growing influence of far-right radicalism in German public life and declared, “We are living at a time when rational behaviour is being disregarded at the highest political level. The American philosopher Susan Neiman, director of the Einstein Forum Potsdam for the past 20 years, told Deutschlandfunk radio that as a Jew she … Doch immer mehr Experten bezweifeln die Urheberschaft.Mehr, Die Nominierung der Schauspielerin Lucy Wilke zum diesjährigen Theatertreffen macht die Fragen nach der Vereinbarkeit von Theaterarbeit und Behinderung wieder aktuell: Was fehlt zur ganzheitlichen Barrierefreiheit? The Bundestag resolution demanded the withholding of any public spaces and financial support to organisations and individuals with any sort of connection to BDS, or who sympathise with its aims. Internationally, the accusation of anti-Semitism is being used to persecute even the mildest critics of Israel. 57. On December 9, 30 leading German cultural institutions issued a statement opposing a resolution directed against the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement passed by the German parliament (Bundestag) a year and a half ago. Mit Lucy Wilke suchen wir nach konkreten Handlungsansätzen.Mehr, Keine Drehs, kein Theater, kein Geld: Die Coronabeschränkungen treffen Freie im Theater besonders hart. Susan Neiman im Gespräch mit Vladimir Balzer. A spokesman for the Foreign Office said that its officials had ruled out any cooperation with the BDS movement before the resolution was passed and had refrained from supporting any means which could promote the BDS. Israel boycott and BDS in Germany – a dispute – culture. Bundestagsbeschluss zu BDS ohne rechtliche Wirkung "Es gibt noch viel zu diskutieren". (Deutschlandfunk Kultur, Fazit, 16.12.2020), BDS-Resolution des Bundestages - Zensur von Wissenschaft und Kultur? Artists who have been accused of anti-Semitism include the London-based author Kamila Shamsie, who was stripped of the Nelly Sachs Prize by the city of Dortmund, and the rapper Tali Kweli, whose invitation to participate at the Open Source Festival in Düsseldorf was withdrawn. Germany’s historical responsibility should “not lead to a blanket moral or political delegitimisation of other historical experiences of violence and oppression. The cultural initiative was supported by internationally renowned institutions such as the Berliner Festspiele, the Deutsches Theater Berlin and the Alliance of International Production Houses, academic institutions such as the Einstein Forum Potsdam, the Berlin College of Science, the Centre for Research on Anti-Semitism at the Technical University of Berlin, as well as state-related organisations such as the Goethe-Institute, the Federal Cultural Foundation, the Humboldt Forum Foundation and Berlin’s House of World Culture. "Die Argumentationsmuster und Methoden der Bewegung sind antisemitisch", hieß es zur Begründung. (Deutschlandfunk Kultur, Wortwechsel, 11.12.2020), "Identitätspolitik stellt sich in ihrer Zuspitzung selbst ein Bein", "Es ist okay zu sagen: Ich kann nicht mehr", Lange Nacht über Lebensentwürfe ohne Kind, Philosophie der Pause - Nichtstun ist wie sterben üben (Gespräch), Linkenpolitiker Fabio de Masi - Identitätspolitik kann linker Politik schaden, Exit. Her latest book is Moral Clarity: A Guide for Grown-Up Idealists (2008). She currently lives in Berlin. Anti-Semitism, i.e., the racial hatred of Jews, is an ideology associated with the extreme right. Die Philosophin Susan Neiman, Direktorin am Einstein Forum in Potsdam, gehört zu den Unterzeichnern einer Petition der "Initiative GG 5.3 Weltoffenheit", die sich nach eigenen Angaben für die Wahrung der Meinungsfreiheit im Umgang mit der BDS-Bewegung ausspricht. Eigentlich. Education Susan Neiman dropped out of high school at the age of fourteen to join the anti-Vietnam War movement. At the same time, accusations of anti-Semitism are levelled against any leftist who criticises the policies of the far-right Israeli government. Aber ein Blick auf die Landkarte zeigt, dass die Siedlungspolitik von Netanjahus Regierung, die schon vorher angefangen hat, aber unter ihm verstärkt wurde, einen palästinensischen Staat unmöglich macht. ... (whose director is the Jewish American philosopher Susan Neiman) and many others from the heart of the establishment. An interview with Susan Neiman and Andreas Huyssen The conference “Ottoman Armenians during the decline of the empire: Issues of scientific responsibility and democracy”, held at Istanbul Bilgi University in 2005, marked the beginning of a fierce public debate on the “Armenian issue” in Turkey. Susan Neiman Allen Lane , pp. More than 400 Jewish scholars, mainly from the United States, Israel and Germany, protested against Schäfer’s resignation, which came in the wake of huge political pressure from the Israeli embassy. 5 were here. Written by Susan Neiman. On December 13, 2017, Munich’s city council banned by a large majority any meetings in municipal premises that “deal with, support, follow or promote” the BDS. Share. Susan Neiman is an American moral philosopher, cultural commentator, and essayist. Für 450 Millionen US-Dollar ersteigerte der saudische Kronprinz 2017 ein Bild, das angeblich von Leonardo da Vinci stammt: Salvator Mundi. Neiman zeigt sich sehr erfreut über die Nachricht und sieht sie als wichtigen Fortschritt: "Die Initiative hat sich sehr darüber gefreut, und wir fanden auch sehr schön, dass der wissenschaftliche Dienst so schnell gehandelt hat. 0. Im Mai 2019 folgte der Bundestag einem gemeinsamen Antrag von CDU/CSU, SPD, FDP und den Grünen und beschloss, der umstrittenen BDS-Bewegung (Boycott, Divestment and Sanction) Unterstützung und finanzielle Förderung zu entziehen. 8 Dec 2019 – Susan Neiman has written a remarkable book, Learning from Others: Race and the Problem of Evil (Farrar, Straus, and Giroux, 2019). Entdecken Sie mit der Dlf Audiothek die Vielfalt unserer drei Programme, abonnieren Sie Ihre Lieblingssendungen, wählen Sie aus Themenkanälen und machen daraus Ihr eigenes Radioprogramm. Wenn Schriftsteller ihren Freitod schreibend vorwegnehmen. Das ist ein Grund, warum ich nicht dazu stehe.". Reports of antisemitic incidents continue to rise in Germany. Notprogramme der Politik sollen sie finanziell stützen. Susan Neiman’s most recent book, Learning from the Germans: Confronting Race and the Memory of Evil, combines philosophical reflection and interviews with both Americans and Germans who are grappling with their own national histories, especially in relation to racism.In conversation with Michaela Kalowski, Susan will reflect on how much the unexamined past forces its way into the present. 3.6 out of 5 stars 12. Confrontation and debate must be possible, especially in publicly funded cultural and discursive spaces.”, The declaration ends with the statement that a society open to the world and that permits public discourse and dissent is the basis “which allows the arts and sciences to continue to exercise their own function: i.e. New revelations about Eichmann, therefore, might force us to revise Arendt’s conclusions about Eichmann himself, but not the central and radical claims of her book. The backlash didn’t take long; it ranged from nuanced responses such as those of Eva Illouz, Susan Neiman, and Aleida Assmann to defensive statements that were deaf to problematic aspects of Mbembe’s texts and blind to his activities, which, while not part of BDS in the narrow sense, were certainly aimed in a similar direction. Following an appeal, Germany’s Higher Administrative Court justified the plaintiff’s motion in November 2020. Join Facebook to connect with Susan Neiman and others you may know. Susan Neiman Average rating: 3.94 Motschmann erklärte ihrerseits, die BDS-Bewegung stelle das Existenzrecht Israels infrage. Es geht nicht anders.". In dieser Bewegung gibt es sicherlich Stimmen, die antisemitisch sind. Die Philosophin Susan Neiman begrüßt dies. She currently lives in Germany, where she is the Director of the Einstein Forum in Potsdam. Statement by German cultural institutions on the parliamentary BDS resolution by the Bundestag As representatives of public cultural and research institutions in Germany, we share a mandate from the state to promote arts and culture, historical research and democratic education and to make these accessible to the general public. This meant, de facto, the suppression of any criticism of the foreign policy of the German government, which, despite occasional tactical differences, pursues its own imperialist goals in the Middle East in close cooperation with Israel—one of the most important markets for Germany’s arms industries. A mighty helicopter appears over a clearing in the middle of the Black Forest. The final chapter in his new book, “A Short History of Antisemitism” (in German), is devoted to BDS and the Bundestag resolution. She was interested in Simone de Beauvoir's and Jean-Paul Sartre's books. Anti-BDS Resolution is pushed in Germany. “The whole debate over BDS was rife with the clear instrumentalization by some of the accusation of antisemitism in order to liquidate undesirables, to destroy their reputation,” Schäfer says. Susan Neiman (/ˈnaɪmən/; born March 27, 1955) is an American moral philosopher, cultural commentator, and essayist. The December statement by the cultural institutions now makes clear that the real aim of the all-party Bundestag resolution was not to combat anti-Semitism, but rather to suppress freedom of expression. The name refers to the clause dealing with the freedom of art and science enshrined in Article 5 (3) of Germany’s Basic Law. 6. 2 the 20th century. BDS-Resolution des Bundestages - Zensur von Wissenschaft und Kultur? Sich der BDS-Bewegung anzuschließen, die Israel als Ganzes ablehnt und beispielsweise israelische Wissenschaftler und Künstler boykottiert, selbst wenn sie sich kritisch gegenüber der Besatzungspolitik Netanjahus äußerten, könne sie natürlich nicht, sagt Neiman. The Jerusalem Declaration on Antisemitism is a tool to identify, confront and raise awareness about antisemitism as it manifests in countries around the world today. Criticism of the Israeli government must be possible, she said: “According to the logic of the BDS resolution, neither Albert Einstein nor Hannah Arendt would be allowed to give a lecture in Germany because, although they supported the state of Israel, they were both very critical of the unjust treatment of the Palestinians.”. Only 1 left in stock - order soon. critical reflection on the social order and an opening up to alternative world concepts.”. Since the passing of the Bundestag resolution, numerous artists and intellectuals, including Jews, have been disinvited from scheduled events or boycotted because they criticise the policies of the Israeli government or defend the rights of Palestinians. In 2013, she became Professor of Early Childhood and Literacy Education, and Chair of the Department of Teaching and Learning at NYU's Steinhardt School of … More than 1,000 artists from Germany, Israel and around the world have lent their support to the statement. The Bundestag resolution “Resolutely confronting the BDS movement—combating anti-Semitism” was put forward by the parliamentary groups of Germany’s governing grand coalition of the conservative Christian Democratic Union/Christian Social Union (CDU/CSU) and Social Democratic Party (SPD), together with the opposition parties Free Democratic Party and the Greens. A key part of the statement by cultural institutions reads: “In the name of this resolution, significant voices and critical positions are being suppressed on the basis of false accusations of anti-Semitism.” The cultural institutions formed a working group titled “Initiative GG 5.3 Weltoffenheit,” in whose name they published their declaration. Susan Neiman, the director of the 'Einstein Forum' in Potsdam was introduced as a Jewish philosopher. The German government and its anti-Semitism commissioner, Felix Klein, have sharply rejected the statement by cultural activists. Modelled on the movement against apartheid in South Africa, BDS calls for a boycott of Israel and demands, among other things, an end to the occupation of Arab lands, the demolition of the wall around the occupied territories, legal equality for Jews and Arabs and the right of return for Palestinian refugees, as agreed in UN Resolution 194. The German government repeated its mantra that the State of Israel’s right to exist was non-negotiable. Domestically, it is aimed at criminalising those critical of the government and, in terms of foreign policy, justifying militarism and oppression in the Middle East and other parts of the world. In the UK, former Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn was suspended temporarily and tens of thousands of his supporters purged from the party on drummed-up charges of anti-Semitism. Pro-palästinensische BDS-Bewegung - Antisemitismus oder nur Kritik an Israels Regierung? The Left Party also introduced its own motion, which condemned BDS in the same manner as the government motion but included a few phrases about reconciliation between Jews and Palestinians.
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